Environment and Modular Building

 I was searching for various modular packs for Building and environment.

I found this artwork on Artstation.

I want the island surrounded by water, with a volcano area, a shipwreck area, a village, a fort and a magic tower.

Various caves and secret underground tunnels across the island.

I found this 3D Scene on Sketchfab of a Tropic Island with a skull, i really like the way it is implemented.

Here is another interesting Tropic island Scene.

I really like the colour and tonality of this island.

Another example of good colour and theme tonality for the Island

Here are more artworks I took for inspiration:

Pearl Island

I also found this particular asset pack for the main town, created by Sugar Works

There are various interesting elements on this pack too, Made by Thunder CloudStudio

Here is another village, this packs has way more assets available to use, Created by Polyart Studio.

I started working on the island, I followed this tutorial to create the base island.

I also imported these 3 packs into my island project


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