Adventure in Pinterest

A place to find Art

I went on Pinterest and created an Account and a various a set of Mood boards for my project.

My first Idea was to create a Modular Car System, so I created my Pinterest Cars Ideas list.

I had a few ideas and different models of cars that I wanted to create in a modular system.

Here are some of my Pinterest ideas for the cars/robots design and look:

Sharknando (Monster truck + Shark)

Wings of Fate (Jet + Eagle)

Stinger (Scorpion + Low ride)

Turbowolf (Wolf + Quadbike)

After some time researching modular 3D models of cars, robots and vehicles, I came to the conclusion that there won't be enough time to create the entire system with complex models like cars. so I went with an alternative.

I went looking for various weapons and I decided to focus on modular guns instead. I did the same process of researches and created a few mood boards for guns.

I created a few mood boards for the weapons:




Iron Blade



But the Weapon that most inspired me are the Assault Rifles and Guns.

I decided to focus on creating a Modular Assault Rifle as first model and see how i can make it combine with other guns parts in a modular system built in Unreal Engine 5.


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