Ready set Game Jam


 The Start of this year Game Jam was suddent as none of us were actually prepared, to be honest it wasn't planned but I really wanted to to work in a team and make a game, or at least something playable.

I though to create my own Game Jam at first in Uni with a few of my class mates, but the idea would involve lot of work and I wanted to compete with other people.

My dear friend Jordan, raccomended me to partecipate to a public Game Jam, and hafter visiting the Website, I decided to partecipate to the upcoming monthly Jam.

In about a few days there will be an interesting Jam on Metroidvania, I myself haven't played much of Metroidvenia games, but i'm bit familiar with the genre. 

These games usually feature a large interconnected world map the player can explore, although parts of the world will be inaccessible to the player until they acquire special items, tools, weapons, abilities, or knowledge within the game. Acquiring such improvements can also aid the player in defeating more difficult enemies and locating shortcuts and secret areas, and often includes retracing one's steps across the map. Through this, Metroidvania games include tighter integration of story and level design, careful design of levels and character controls to encourage exploration and experimentation, and a means for the player to become more invested in their player character through role-playing game elements. 

There was only one problem now, finding People for the Jam. I mentioneted it on the Discord Server that i made for the Game Design Course students, looking for students, artists and, desperately looking people who knew how to blueprint.

I spoken to Joshua, one of the recently graduated student and old mine friend, regarding the upcoming event. He was happy to partecipate and contribute towards the Game Jam.

Soon a few of my old friends from uni caught up with me and agreed on working for the upcoming Game Jam.

I talked and chatter over discord and agreed on going back to University the very next day to get more people from my class, Game Design Master, involved in the upcoming project.

I literally spoke to everyone from my Masters, and i was  a bit disappointed on the lack of motivation, yet a few people were interested in experiencing the Game Jam.

I made a list of people that wants to be involved.

There just a few people, including myself. 

In class I spoken to Tim Shaw, he was clearly interested for the Game Jam, me and Tim spent some time brainstorming some ideas:

Later that day, I add everyone on the new sub-channel in the discord server with all the people that wanted to partecipate, for now, i got a small, but determinated squad ready to work and experience an amazing agem jam.

The people were alredy getting along really well, and i'm very happy of managing and leading this team of Game Desiners.

Tim managed to write a reaserch log with important informations.

And Tim also created this

Brainstorm of the ideas

Key elements for the game

  • 3D Graphic in a 2D Perspective
  • Upgrades, Powerups and Gears
  • Platforms, Level Traversal and Exploration
  • Difficulty scaling with the character upgrades

Examples of Games:

Themes and Gameplay

  • Empty Space: Space ship where you can be sucked out into the emptyness of space
  • Corruption: War of the Worlds
  • Alchemy:  Curie themed game, upgrades that also hinder.
  • Time Manipulation: Time travel where each section of the level are different time periods
  • Underground: Dungeon Keeper, Minions beware
  • You are the monster: The thing-themed game
  • Paradox: Tims idea
  • Lush/You are the monster/ between worlds: Jordans Idea
  • Monster: Kill Certain enemies to evolve a specific ability. Killing other enemies reduce progress.
  • Culinary Arts: Kung Fu French Chef

People who Showed Up in the First Meeting 

Team Split up work for first week

Moin: 3D creating main set pieces, parts and components

Josh: Level Design, Blocking out blueprints, testing

Seth: Texturing, concept art, character, Uv , menu, icons, 

Tim: Design, puzzles, layout of environments, reaserch games, make maps, paper plan

Jordan: Blueprints, Rigging, animation, testing

3D Models

For the 3d assets i need to create key parts of the levels such as:

  • Character
  • Enemies
  • Platforms
  • Items
  • Collectables
  • Breakables
  • Interactables
  • Levels parts

The Background

Ori and The Will of Wisp

In Ori the background is a stylized art that acts as environment, the character moves across the 2D platforms highlighted with more intesive details.

The background of the game can be 2D or 3D depending on the game style and theme, and also the level of details we can work and put togetehr in this project.

Having a static textured picture as a background would save us a lot of time.

Making various 3D assets would look bit repetitive but give a sense of density for the level.

Creating the assets for the level can be a bit tricky, each one of them has to give the player a "sense of progression and exploration". The level must not be just linear. The player has to traverse in all directions, (with the 2D limitations).

The Character

For the character we need a solid 3D model and good animation

Here an example of a simple effective character for the Metroidvenia.

The character must have upgrades, and make the player feel in control of all the movements across the 2D environment.



  • dash (simple, multiple) with/out dmg
  • jump (simple, double, high) with/out dmg
  • reset jump on obstacles (like Celeste or lantern jump)
  • wall climbing (walking and/or jump from one wall to another)
  • sliding / gliding
  • speed booster / shinespark (Metroid)
  • boost dash (like Hollow Knight crystal heart)
  • platform grip / whip grip / magnet grip (Ori)
  • flying


  • Invert upside/down
  • Phase transitioning (like in Outland with blue and red obstacles)
  • Time freeze (Touhou Luna Nights)
  • Creating blocs or platforms
  • Body detachment for reaching purposes (Dead Cells)
  • Healing/regeneration (Ori/HK)
  • Transformation (Guacamelee)
  • Weapons
  • Placing down objects
  • Placing interactable platforms


  • Skill three
  • Ability that regenerates health
  • Passive to restore over time energy or other resources
  • Unlock other abilities (climbing, grabbing, )


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