
Showing posts from March, 2023

Space Rover Two Week Project

During these two weeks of making models during a time limit, i came across major issues during the  I created some models for a snow rover scene that I was working on with my colleague Tim , we started working on a horror theme-based game where the player is stuck in a small room and has to interact with various assets to resolve These are some of the sketches of the Rover and how the various assets are placed across the room. This is an updated map for the Rover Some sketch of the visuals and how the rover will be seen from the player perspective These are sketches of the scenario outside the window and what the player would see. Final Map design from Tim I use this map as a guide to position the model and create the scene in Maya. I started working on the Navigation System and how it would be implemented into the scene My main goal was to have some sort of control panel for the scene that the player could interact with and be full of buttons and controls I found this reference fo...

Interviewing Game Designers

ESSAY Part 1 : An introduction. (250)   Briefly describe your own practice and the aims of your project.  Part 2 : Personal Research Studies (1000 words)  Explore the ability to contact, network and discuss relevant professional issues with appropriate artists, designers and others who can help inform your own professional journey. You must evidence that you have contacted professionals in your chosen field.  Please discuss the work of at least 2 in relation to your own work and how to generate opportunities when you leave.  Part 3 : Practitioner Lecture Series (1000 words)  Explore the ability to critically evaluate the creative practices, methods and philosophies of people in practice. You are to attend all the Friday morning lectures and take notes relating to their creative practices, such as methods, philosophies and strategies that have been key in tracking their success.   Choose a minimum of 3 of the lectures and write a broader critical evalua...

Spirit In the Mask

Start Encounter Combat Combat Credits

Metroidvenia Game Jam Week 3

This is the Weeek 3 and 4 before the end of the Game Jam for out metroidvenia Set Designed the Logo Josh created the main menu using Unreal Engine The team in call Dialogues  Tim wrote the dialogues 3D Models Making a Kukri Dagger  I found a reference for a simple Kukri in google and use it as base for my model, and started working on the Kukri dagger weapons for the Game Jam. First I created the main model using Maya Then i created the high poly version in maya so that i use it for the baking process I sent the dagger to see the opinion of my team. I then went back and did some reaserch of symbols that I can apply to the weapon to make it better. I found an alphabeth called Ge'ez script This was the anicent version of the Ethiopian scripture I tried obtaining some old scripture to use as symbols for the weapon I found out that the amharic scripture derivates from the Ethiopiac scripture I will use this letters to upgrade all my weapons texture and make them even better. Weapo...