Creating a Spell Book

 I started working on my spell book, my goal is to keep perfecting my texturing skills, i want to create a faded emissive effect in this project.

I took inspiration from these spell books

I started working on the base shape of my book

I created the back of the book

I started adjusting the model to make it look like an open book

I was UV mapping each part so it would be easy.

I started adjusting the book and inserting small details that i think would fit the spellbook aestetics

I do wish to create a effect were the letters are coming out from the book

I spent the day bevelling edges on ZBrush to get used to it. Then I exported all the parts from the software in FBX format and I imported them all one by one in Maya and grouped them up with the rest of the high poly.

I made sure that the names were matching with the low poly versions. Then I checked the UV and exported both models in FBX format.

First I reimported the Mesh into substance, by having the same name it will reimport correctly. I then baked the high poly into the low poly. And made sure to have some basic textures.

I imported the model in Sketchfab, I need to add some details to make it more interesting, but I’m happy with the color combination.

I also adjusted the effects to make the model more appealing. Lighting plays an important role in capturing the audience's attention.

I started working on extra details for the scene.

The book itself won’t be much appealing, I need to add a minor model to increase the importance of the book.

I made a stool that should display the model.

I started renaming files and UV mapping them. it is easy to keep track of all the models and keep the UV ready.

I made a scene with the chains, making the book more powerful because it is shattering the chains around it.


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