The Laboratory Game Mechanics


Combat system Mixed Melee and Ranged weapons

  • Switch between melee and ranged weapon, unused weapon shows on the character's back
  • Weapon switching (animation) 
  • Aim offsets for ranged weapons
  • Bullet/melee impact sounds and VFX
  • Health system for player and enemies
  • Enemy AI
  • Enemy Death, New Enemy Spawn
  • Interface, Main Menu, UI, Icons, Bullet Counters, Health Bar

The Game Must Be Playable with Xbox Controller

Player Stats

These are visible on the interface, The player can see the Health Bar (Red) and Stamina Bar (Green).

The player will be able to see the Ammunition of Rifle Pick up (white number).

These are presented very simplistically by two different Bars parallel to each other.


Player has a health bar showed displayed in Red.

The player can pick Up Health Pack, these will fully heal the player.

Player will take Damage when falling from heights. Falling into Jump Pads will not cause any Damage to the Player.

Player will take increased damage when the Stamina Bar is depleted.

When the Health Bar reach 0, the Player will die and respawn shortly after.


Player has a stamina Bar, this is showed by a Green bar next to the Health. 

Performing certain actions requires Stamina consumption:

Wall Climbing, wall running, Deflecting, charged Attack and Dashing Consumes Stamina, for the duration of those actions.

Stamina Consumption is not high, it will be depleted slowly allowing the player to perform various actions, such as Running on Wall, jumping, dashing and deflecting, without the Stamina Bar being completely empty.

Stamina Bar will regenerate Faster if not fully consumed.

The stamina Bar will turn Orange, when is recharging.

This is necessary otherwise the player would be able to execute those action infinitely, breaking the game.


Bullets are shown on the corner, the player will be able to see and count how many bullets are left in the weapon, and shooting will consume one bullet, the player can hold the button to empty the magazine.

The player can reload anytime, the Player will reload automatically if the Rifle is empty.

The player has 30 Bullets.

The player will always have Max ammunition on Rifle Pick Up.

Player Mechanics

Player can can combine button to execute unique mechanics that are listed below:


When health reach 0 the player character will collapse and die. The player character will respawn shortly after, all the equipment is Lost and respawned in the Level.. Player will respawn with Max Health and Stamina on Starting Point. 

Player Reloading

The player Can reload the Gun, the gun will reload automatically when it reach 0 Bullets, making the player go into reload animation. The player can also reload while spiriting, sliding, crouching.

The player can cancel the Reload animation by performing other actions such as: Switching weapon, Dashing, Wall Running.

Player Movement

[WASD Keyboard] - [Left Xbox Analog Stick]

Player can move the character freely. Player can combine different input to adjust the movement of the character such as Crouch, Running, Dashing, Sliding, Wall Climbing, Wall Running.

Camera Movement

[Moving mouse] - [Right Xbox Analog Stick]

Player can rotate the camera with the right stick of the Xbox controller, the camera will also follow the mouse direction in which is pointed.


[Spacebar Keyboard] - [Press (A) Xbox Button]

Player can double Jump, only when pressed after a jump. 

The player will dash if melee attack is used after the jump/or falling. The player can only Dash ONCE until it lands on the floor, then it can jump or double jump and dash again and repeat this process.

The player can still aim and shoot while jumping/falling.


[Spacebar Keyboard + (Q) Key Button] - [Press (A) Xbox Button + (R1) Xbox Button]

Dashing is executed by Jumping + Melee Attack

The player will Dash forward on the direction the camera is pointed, only after a Jump, when the melee attack is executed.

Double jump DOES NOT reset Dash. 

Player can't shoot while dashing. 

Dashing will consume Stamina.


[(C) Key Button] - [Press (B) Xbox  Button]

The Player will crouch, making the player slow, and it will hide the player from enemies if the player is distant from them. 

The player will slide when the button is pressed while running/sprinting.

Player can still shoot, reload while sliding/crouching. 

Wall Climb/Wall Running 

[Hold Spacebar Keyboard] - [Hold (A) Xbox Button]

Player can Hold the jump button next to the wall to climb it or perform wall running.

Player can Aim and Shoot while running on wall, this will slow time a bit to give the player some time to react.

The Player can Jump then Dash away from the Wall.

The player can't shoot or Aim during wall running. 

The player can't perform melee attacks while wall Running, jumping will make the Player Dash.

Interacting/Switching Weapon

[(E) Key Button] - [Press (Y) Xbox Button]

Player can interact with interactable meshes when is it close to them.

If no meshes are present, the player will simply switch the weapon equipped. 

Player can interact with Buttons scattered across the Level to Open and Close Doors, while doing so the player can't do other actions, leaving the player vulnerable, this last a few second until the animation is completed.


[(R) Key Button] - [Press (X) Xbox Button]

Player Can only reload, while Walking, Running or Crouching.

Any other action will prevent the Player from Reloading the Rifle.


[Hold Shift Keyboard] - [Hold (L3) Xbox Button]

Player can't shoot while sprinting. but they can perform Melee attacks and Reload.

Aiming or Shooting will stop the Player from Spiriting.

Performing Melee Attack will stop the player from Spiriting


[Hold Right Mouse Button] [Hold (L2) Xbox Button]

Player can Aim while Crouching, Jumping and Falling.


[Press Left Mouse Button] [Press/Hold (R2) Xbox Button]

The Rifle will shoot, player doesn't need to aim to be able to shoot freely, Pressing the shooting button will pull out and equip the Rifle.

While Shooting the Player Can Aim, for more precision.

Player will stop running to shoot.

Player will be able to shoot while Sliding, Crouching, Jumping and Falling.

Player can press the button for a single bullet, or hold the button to continue shooting.

Player will reload automatically when there are no ammunition left, while shooting.

Melee Attack

[(Q) Key Button] - [Press/Press repeatedly (R1) Xbox Button]

Player will perform Melee Attacks, Normal Standing will make the player do basic attacks, repeated buttons will make the player do Combo of 3 attack.

The Combo that the player will perform is: two vertical attacks from different directions, and one area attack. the first two attacks will cover the area in front of the player, the third attack will cover the 360 area around the player.

Performing melee attack while falling, or jumping will trigger Dash, toward the direction faced by the Player (Example Genji from Overwatch Dash)

Charged Melee Attack

[Hold (Q) Key Button] - [Hold (R1) Xbox Button]

The player can Hold the Melee Attack, this will make the player, move very slow, but it will charge a powerful 360 attack on area surrounding the player, that will hit all the enemies surrounding the player.

The player can ONLY use charged attack when is on the ground , the player can still move, but slowly (same speed as crouching).

Charged attack will consume stamina, for the amount of time it has been charged. the More it charged the stronger it will be, Maxed charged attack will kill all enemies close to the player.

Player can't perform charged attacks if stamina bar is empty or recharging.


[Hold (F) Key Button] - [Xbox Press/Presse Hold (L1) Button]

Player will use the Melee weapon to deflect incoming projectiles that are in front of the player. (Example Genji from Overwatch). 

Deflection consumes Stamina, the player can't deflect after the stamina bar is consumed. the bar will turn orange and it will recharge (The orange bar will stay in the middle of the screen until it fully recharged.), once recharged the stamina bar will show up again while deflecting.

Deflecting can only be used against incoming Projectile, these will be slices by the player sword, The player will not receive any damage.

The player can still be hit from projectiles behind the player. 

The player can turn around while deflecting, it will follow the player camera.


Enemies will attack the Player, when engaged.

Enemies will follow the Player until they lose sight.

Enemies can use long ranged weapons to shoot at the player

Some enemies are equipped with a melee weapon, they are faster and they will chase the player.

Enemies will respawn from specific areas, that can be deactivated by Pressing a Red Button.

Enemies can activate Turrets, these are more powerful, and they will shoot the player on sight, Player can deflect turrets attacks. 

Interactable Buttons

Enemies can't interact with Buttons.

Green Button

Opens the Laboratory Room, the Player will receive a text saying that the Mission is Completed.

Orange Buttons

Opens the Yellow Sliding Walls, these are scattered all across the Level, Pressing the button will activate the doors, opening and closing different paths.

The Player can Interact with Orange Buttons again, this allows to the door to be used on the player advantage, closing enemy paths.

Red Button

It will spawn enemies in the area, pressing this button reset all enemies spawn.

This can be used to continue Training against the Enemies, or Stop them to be spawned so that the player can explore the Level Freely.

Health Pack

Player can Pick Up Health Packs scattered across the Level, these will respawn after a period of time.

Health Pack will fully heal the Player.

Player can't pick up Health packs if it fully healed.


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