Rigging the Car

 My next step is to replace the UE5 Base car with the Yellow Racing Car

To replace the car, I need to first rig the Yellow Car model, to archive this I imported the Car in Blender and followed some YouTube tutorial to rig the vehicle.

I tried rigging the Car on Blender but I had some issues getting it right. I did follow different tutorials to get it right but the front wheels seem not to function as intended.

It must match the skeleton mesh of this Car, to be replaced successfully.

This is what I got

I also adjusted the size of the assets in the level to match the car, for a more in depth immersion

The Car is replaced 

I also add a light in front of the vehicle, to illumine dark roads.

The Car felt too Light so I increased the weight of the Model and the tyres to make it stay on the ground

The weight of the tyres

The weight of the Body

There are still some issues related to the car

I fixed this by changing the Suspension value on the wheels

I also increased the Car Mass to stop the vehicle from going out of control

I also increased the Wheels weight to stop them from rolling the car on curves

I uploaded a Gameplay video on My YouTube Channel


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